포토 및 영상

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  4. 포토 및 영상
[연구부세미나] 16.11.24._IBS 이준열 박사
제목 [연구부세미나] 16.11.24._IBS 이준열 박사
부서 대외협력팀
등록일자 2016-11-24
첨부파일 jpg IBS 이준열 박사 강연.jpg jpg 14963_연자 소개.jpg jpg 라종철, 이준열, 최영식 박사 2.jpg
[연구부세미나] 16.11.24._IBS 이준열 박사 이미지 1

[연구부세미나] 16.11.24._IBS 이준열 박사 이미지 2

[연구부세미나] 16.11.24._IBS 이준열 박사 이미지 3

[뇌질환연구부 제7차 세미나]
-일시 : 2016. 11. 24.(목) 11:00~12:00
-연자 : 이준열 박사 (IBS)
-주제 : Neural sources of behavioral variation in smooth pursuit eye movements

-요약 : We react to external stimuli constantly. Sometimes, we react quickly, and sometimes we react more slowly. The latency of the behavioral response depends on how the brain processes and transmits incoming sensory information to downstream motor areas. Behavioral response latency is likely to depend on neuronal response latency and/or response amplitude, but evidence for either alternative is scarce. We have studied the neural basis for smooth pursuit eye movements at many levels of the sensory-motor circuit to ask whether behavioral latency is better correlated with neural latency or amplitude. Monkeys tracked targets that were initially stationary and started to move smoothly in a step-ramp trajectory at a randomized time. By recording large numbers of repetitions of a given stimulus and grouping neuronal responses across trials according to pursuit latency, we could measure whether behavioral latency was better related to neural latency or neural amplitude. Neurons in the sensory area for pursuit, extrastriate visual area MT, showed correlations between neural and pursuit latency that amounted to about 20% of the range of pursuit latency changes. At the other extreme, the range of latencies in Abducens motoneurons almost matched the range of behavioral latencies. The “gain” of the relationship between neural and behavioral latency gradually increased as our analysis moved from area MT through the smooth eye movement region of the frontal eye field and the floccular complex of the cerebellum to the brainstem and motoneurons. In contrast, the amplitude of neural responses in each area was not systematically related to pursuit latency.
[연구부세미나] 16.11.24._IBS 이준열 박사
윗글 [초청 세미나] 서울대 김선영 교수
아랫글 대구한의대 의료공학전공 학생 견학 및 시설투어