포토 및 영상

  1. 현재위치
  2. 홍보
  4. 포토 및 영상
[연구부세미나] 16.11.10. _ IBS 이상규 박사
제목 [연구부세미나] 16.11.10. _ IBS 이상규 박사
부서 대외협력팀
등록일자 2016-11-15
첨부파일 jpg 연자 소개.jpg jpg IBS 이상규 박사 강연.jpg jpg 최영식, 이상규 박사_V2.jpg
[연구부세미나] 16.11.10. _ IBS 이상규 박사 이미지 1

[연구부세미나] 16.11.10. _ IBS 이상규 박사 이미지 2

[연구부세미나] 16.11.10. _ IBS 이상규 박사 이미지 3

[뇌질환연구부 제6차 세미나]
- 일시 : 2016. 11. 10. (목) 11:00~12:00
- 연자 : 이상규 박사 (IBS)
- 주제 : Optogenetic control of intracellular signaling in live cells and in vivo

- 요약 : The precise modulation of protein functions can serve as an effective means to dissect complex signaling networks or to identify new therapeutic targets. Widely used genetic manipulation strategies are valuable but they typically require a relatively long time to exhibit effects or can cause lethality early in development. Small molecule-based approaches partly overcome these drawbacks, yet they are prone to off-target effects and offer poor reversibility and spatial resolution, especially at the subcellular level. To address these, our group has developed a series of optogenetic tools to specifically and dynamically modulate diverse signaling pathways in live cells. In the first part of this talk, I will present an optogenetic module called LARIAT that efficiently and reversibly inactivates target proteins in living cells. In this platform, we combined multimeric proteins and a light-dependent hetero-dimerization module to design molecular traps to sequester proteins, thereby inactivating their functions. Using LARIAT, we inhibited diverse proteins that modulate cytoskeleton and cell cycle with high spatiotemporal resolution. In the second part, I will present an optogenetic tool called OptoSTIM1 that manipulates intracellular Ca2+ levels through activation of endogenous Ca2+ channels. By combining a cytosolic fragment of STIM1 (CRAC channel regulator) with a blue light-mediated homo-dimerization module, we developed OptoSTIM1 and demonstrated its utility in various biological systems, including zebrafish embryos and human embryonic stem cells. Interestingly, we demonstrated that activating OptoSTIM1 in the CA1 hippocampal region of mice ‘select‘ively reinforced contextual memory formation. We expect that our optogenetic modules will provide unprecedented opportunities to interrogate dynamic nature of molecular and cellular functions in in vivo.
[연구부세미나] 16.11.10. _ IBS 이상규 박사
윗글 2016년 한국뇌연구원 시무식
아랫글 [연구부세미나] 16.11.3._IBS 김형 박사