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[연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사
제목 [연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사
부서 대외협력팀
등록일자 2016-09-12
첨부파일 jpg 연자 소개.JPG jpg IBS Charles Latchoumane 박사 강연.JPG jpg Charles, 최영식 부장.JPG hwp [뇌질환연구부] 제1차 세미나_160908.hwp
[연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사 이미지 1

[연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사 이미지 2

[연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사 이미지 3

[뇌질환연구부 제1차 세미나]
-일시 : 2016. 9. 8. (목)
-연자 : Charles Latchoumane (IBS)
-주제 : Triple phase-locking of cortico, thalamic and hippocampal rhythms underly contextual memory consolidation in mice

-요약 : The interaction of cortical slow oscillations with the other two cardinal rhythms of slow-wave sleep—the thalamo-cortical spindle and the hippocampal ripple—has been thought to be critical in the process of memory consolidation during sleep. Nonetheless, experimental evidence for a causal role of temporal coupling between these three rhythms in memory formation is still missing. Combining optogenetics with a closed-loop stimulation approach in mice, we found here that only thalamic spindles induced in phase lock to cortical slow oscillation up-states improved the consolidation of hippocampus-dependent memory during sleep; spindles induced out of phase did not. Interestingly, optogenetically evoked spindles were as efficient as spontaneous spindles in nesting hippocampal ripples within their excitable troughs. However, spindle-ripple nesting alone was not sufficient for enhancing memory consolidation, as spindles induced out of phase did not exhibit enhanced memory. Importantly, the degree of triple coupling—ripples nested in spindle troughs nested in slow oscillation up-states—was positively correlated with the strength of consolidated contextual fear memory. Taken together, our results suggest a causal role of triple coupling between slow oscillations, spindles, and ripples in the consolidation of hippocampal memory during sleep.
[연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사
윗글 2016년 한국뇌연구원 시무식
아랫글 '수혼비(獸魂碑)' 건립