포토 및 영상

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  4. 포토 및 영상
[연구부세미나] 16.9.22._ 김지은 박사
제목 [연구부세미나] 16.9.22._ 김지은 박사
부서 대외협력팀
등록일자 2016-09-22
첨부파일 jpg 24133_연자 소개.JPG jpg IBS 김지은 박사 강연.JPG jpg 김지은, 최영식, 이석원 박사.JPG hwp [뇌질환연구부] 제2차 세미나.hwp
[연구부세미나] 16.9.22._ 김지은 박사 이미지 1

[연구부세미나] 16.9.22._ 김지은 박사 이미지 2

[연구부세미나] 16.9.22._ 김지은 박사 이미지 3

[뇌질환연구부 제2차 세미나]
- 일시 : 2016.9.22.(목)
- 연자 : 김지은 박사 (IBS)
- 주제 : Neurophysiology of time perception; prefrontal and striatal neuronal activity during temporal discrimination

- 요약 : The ability to estimate time intervals is critical for survival in most mammalian species including humans. Compared to spatial perception, however, the neural basis of time perception is poorly understood. Given that the frontal cortex-basal ganglia circuit is thought to play a central role in time interval estimation, we examined single neuron activity in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and striatum of rats performing a temporal bisection task, in which rats were required to discriminate six different time intervals (~3-5 s) into long and short ones to obtain water reward. Both mPFC and striatal neuronal ensembles conveyed significant amounts of information on the elapse of time. However, they did so based on different underlying neural processes. The mPFC kept track of the elapse of time based on linearly changing neuronal activity on a logarithmic scale. By contrast, the striatum conveyed temporal information based on phasic discharges at different times of a sample interval. Also, mPFC neural activity was tightly, but striatal neural activity was only loosely, correlated the animal’s judgement of time. Our results show that the mPFC and striatum convey temporal information based on distinct underlying neural processes, and suggest that the mPFC plays a more important role than the striatum in controlling interval timing behavior.

[연구부세미나] 16.9.22._ 김지은 박사
윗글 2016년 한국뇌연구원 시무식
아랫글 [연구부세미나] 16.9.8._ Charles Latchoumane 박사