포토 및 영상

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  4. 포토 및 영상
[연구부세미나]16.10.20._금세훈 박사
제목 [연구부세미나]16.10.20._금세훈 박사
부서 대외협력팀
등록일자 2016-10-20
첨부파일 jpg IBS 금세훈 박사 강연.JPG jpg 76522_연자 소개.JPG jpg 금세훈, 최영식, 이주한, 구자욱 박사.JPG
[연구부세미나]16.10.20._금세훈 박사 이미지 1

[연구부세미나]16.10.20._금세훈 박사 이미지 2

[연구부세미나]16.10.20._금세훈 박사 이미지 3

[뇌질환연구부 제4차 세미나]
- 일시 : 2016. 10. 20.(목) 11:00`12:00
- 연자 : 금세훈 박사(IBS)
- 주제 : Genetic studies for neural mechanisms underlying empathinc fear

- 요약 : Empathy is an important emotional process that involves the ability to recognize and share emotions with others. Deficits in empathy manifest in a variety of disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, alexithymia, as well as psychopathy. We have developed an observational fear learning (OFL) behavioral assay to measure empathic fear in mice. In the OFL task, a mouse is conditioned for fear to the context ‘where‘ it observes a conspecific demonstrator receiving aversive stimuli.
We have further demonstrated that the affective pain circuits including the anterior cingulate cortex, the midline and intralaminar thalamus, in addition to the amygdala plays a crucial role in conditioning of observational fear. Despite recent association studies showing that genetic factors account for both change and continuity in empathy, identification of genes controlling empathy has been largely limited in humans. Though the use of forward and reverse genetic approaches, we have identified that Phospholipase C beta4 and Neurexin-III are involved in modulation of OFL. I will present how we have identified these genes and underlying mechanisms in different neural circuits for empathic fear behaviors.

[연구부세미나]16.10.20._금세훈 박사
윗글 2016년 한국뇌연구원 시무식
아랫글 [연구부세미나]16.10.6._이은이 박사