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논문 검색
  • [주관련자]문지영


    [저자]Kim, SA , Jang, EH, Mun, JY, & Choi, H

    [논문명]Propionic acid induces mitochondrial dysfunction and affects gene expression for mitochondria biogenesis and neuronal differentiation in SHSY5Y cell line

    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 75, 116-122

  • [주관련자]김정연


    [저자]Kim, HY, Yang, YR, Hwang, H, Lee, HE, Jang, HJ, Kim, J, Yang, E, Kim, H, Rhim, H, Suh, P, & Kim, JI

    [논문명]Deletion of PLCγ1 in GABAergic neurons increases seizure susceptibility in aged mice

    [게제지]Scientific Reports
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 9

  • [주관련자]김형준, 이신려, 전유미, 조명진, 장유나, 김재광, 이계주

    [역할]제1 저자, 공동저자, 교신저자

    [저자]Lee, S, Jeon, YM , Cha, SJ, Kim, S, Kwon, Y, Jo, M, Jang, YN, Lee, S, Kim, J, Kim, SR, Lee, KJ, Lee, SB, Kim, K, & Kim, HJ

    [논문명]PTK2/FAK regulates UPS impairment via SQSTM1/p62 phosphorylation in TARDBP/TDP-43 proteinopathies

    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 5, 1-17

  • [주관련자]구자옥

    [역할]제1 저자

    [저자]Koo, JW, Chaudhury, D, Han, MH, & Nestler, EJ

    [논문명]Role of Mesolimbic Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Depression

    [게제지]Biological Psychiatry
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 86(10)

  • [주관련자]이병철


    [저자]Khelashvili, G, Falzone, ME, Cheng, XL, Lee, BC, Accardi, A, & Weinstein, H

    [논문명]Dynamic modulation of the lipid translocation groove generates a conductive ion channel in Ca2+-bound nhTMEM16

    [게제지]Nature Communications
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 10

  • [주관련자]채세현

    [역할]제1 저자

    [저자]Lee, MG, Choi, MA , Chae, S , Kang, MA, Jo, H, Baek, JM, In, KR, Park, H, Heo, H, Jang, D , Brito, S, Kim, ST , Kim, DO, Lee, JS, Kim, JR, & Bin, BH

    [논문명]Loss of the dermis zinc transporter ZIP13 promotes the mildness of fibrosarcoma by inhibiting autophagy

    [게제지]Scientific Reports
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 9

  • [주관련자]유가영, 이현주. 우한웅. 강리진. 한경민. 박현희. 이상민. 이주영. 남영표. 허향숙

    [역할]제1 저자, 공동저자, 교신저자

    [저자]Ryu, KY, Lee, HJ, Woo, H, Kang, RJ, Han, KM , Park, H, Lee, SM, Lee, JY , Jeong, YJ , Nam, HW, Nam, Y, & Hoe, HS

    [논문명]Dasatinib regulates LPS-induced microglial and astrocytic neuroinflammatory responses by inhibiting AKT/STAT3 signaling

    [게제지]Journal of neuroinflammation
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 16(1)

  • [주관련자]박형주

    [역할]제1 저자

    [저자]Park, H, & Kaang, BK

    [논문명]Balanced actions of protein synthesis and degradation in memory formation

    [게제지]Learning and Memory
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 26, 299-306

  • [주관련자]류영재, 하창만


    [저자]Lee, J, Lee, S, Ryu, YJ, Lee, D , Kim, S, Seo, JY , Oh, E , Paek, SH, Kim, SU, Ha, CM , Choi, SY, & Kim, KT

    [논문명]Vaccinia­related kinase 2 plays a critical role in microglia­mediated synapse elimination during neurodevelopment.

    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 67(9), 1667-1679

  • [주관련자]이현주, 유가영, 허향숙


    [저자]Lin, YX, Sahoo, BR, Ozawa, D, Kinoshita, M, Kang, J, Lim, MH, Okumura, M, Huh, YH, Moon, E, Jang, JH, Lee, HJ , Ryu, KY, Ham, S , Wong, HS,; Ryu, KS, Sugiki, T, Bang, JK, Hoe, HS ,; Fujiwara, T , Ramamoorthy, A, & Lee, YH

    [논문명]Diverse structural conversion and aggregation pathways of Alzheimer's Amyloid-b (1-40)

    [게제지]ACS Nano
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2019, 13, 8766-8783

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