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번호 연도 주관련자 역할 저자 논문명 게재지, 권(호):쪽 초록
9 2014 김희진 제1 저자 Kim, H.J, Chang, K.A, Ha, T.Y, Kim, J, Ha, S, Shin, K.Y, Moon, C, Nacken, W, Kim, H.S. & Suh, Y.H. S100A9 Knockout Decreases the Memory Impairment and Neuropathology in Crossbreed Mice of Tg2576 and S100A9 Knockout Mice Model PLoS ONE, 9, (2) 초록보기
8 2014 김희진 제1저자 Kim, H.J, Shin, K.Y, Chang, K.A, Ahn, S, Choi, H.S, Kim, H.S. & Suh, Y.H. Dehydroevodiamine·HCL Improves Stress-Induced Memory Impairments and Depression Like Behavior in Rats Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 18:-59 초록보기
7 2014 이신려 제 1저자 Lee. S., Jha, MK. & Suk. K. Lipocalin-2 in the Inflammatory Activation of Brain Astrocytes Neuro-degenerative Disease, 35, (1) 초록보기
6 2013 김희진 제1 저자 Chang, K.A., Kim, H.J., Joo, Y., Ha, S., & Suh, Y.H. The therapeutic effects of human adipose-drived stem cells in Alzheimer's disease mouse models Neuro-degenerative Disease, 13, (2-3) 초록보기
5 2013 하창만 제 1저자 Ha, C.M., Hwang, E.M., Kim, E., Lee, da, Y,, Chang, S., Lee, B.J., Hong, S.G., & Park, J.Y. The molecular mechanism of NELL2 movement and secretion in hippocampal progenitor HiB5 cells Molecules and Cells, 36, (6) 초록보기
4 2013 이계주 제1 저자 Lee, K.J., Park, I.S., Kim, H., Greenough, WT., Pak, DT., & Rhyu, IJ. Motor skill training induces coordinated strengthening and weakening between neighboring synapses Journal of Neuroscience, 33, (23) 초록보기
3 2013 허향숙 교신저자 Megill, A., Lee, T., DiBattista, AM., Song, JM., Spitzer, MH., Rubinshtein, M., Habib, LK., Capule, CC., Mayer, M., Turner, RS., Kirkwood, A., Yang, J., Pak, D.T., Lee, H.K. & Hoe, H.S. A tetra(ethylene glycol)derivative of benzothiazole aniline enhances Ras-mediated spinogenesis A tetra(ethylene glycol)derivative of benzothiazole aniline enhances Ras-mediated spinogenesis, 33, (22) 초록보기
2 2013 허향숙 교신저자 Sohn, Y.I., Lee, N.J., Chung, A., Saavedra, J.M., Scott, Turner, R., Pak, D.T., & Hoe, H.S. Antihypertensive drug Valsartan promotes dendritic spine density by altering AMPA receptor trafficking Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 439,(4) 초록보기
1 2013 최희순 공동저자 Jang, A., Liew, H., Kim, Y.M., Choi, H.S., Kim, S., Lee, S.H., Ohshima, T., Mikoshiba, K. & Suh, Y.H. p35 deficiency accelerates HMGB-1-mediated neuronal death in the early stahes of an Alzheimer's disease mouse model Current Alzheimer Research, 10(8) 초록보기
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